Group #1
MINDFULNESS, MEDITATION & BEYOND – Establishing & Growing Your Practice
“The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention.” Sharon Salzberg
Where: In person at TBD
When: 4 Sessions – Fall 2024 dates coming soon Sliding Scale Fee: $40-80
Whether you are new to mindfulness, have given it a try, or have an existing practice and want to review the “basics”, you are welcome to join us and learn to “pay attention in a particular way with kindness”! The goal is to create a safe space where you can experience various mindfulness practices such as simple movements and guided meditations in seated, standing, walking and lying postures according to your level of comfort. Everything is an invitation, including your participation in the loving kindness practices that are an essential component of learning to be more mindful. As you explore mindfulness of body, breath, thoughts and emotions, new pathways to greater presence, connection and clarity can be created, reducing overall stress. There will also be an opportunity to reflect, share your experiences (if you wish), ask questions and practice mindful speaking & listening as we make space for all voices.
They say that mindfulness is simple but not easy. Experience tells us that many things can be easier when in the company of others who are willing to “try it on” and have some fun in the process. Maybe that’s you?
This group is offered by Michele Cadotte (RP). Michele is a student in the Mindfulness Teacher Training Certification Program with internationally recognized mindfulness teachers Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. Please bring whatever “equipment” supports your experience – yoga mat, cushion, blanket, water bottle, etc. We have lots of chairs! Please note that, although this group will be trauma informed, it is not therapy. The aim is to create an experience which supports you in exploring, developing and/or growing your mindfulness practice. If you have questions about your participation in this group, please contact Michele at
THE HEART OF MINDFULNESS – Cultivating Loving Kindness, Compassion and Joy
“The idea is not to perfect yourself, it’s to perfect your love.” Jack Kornfield
Where: In person at – TBD
When: Fall 2024 date coming soon Fee: $40 – 60
Whether you are new to mindfulness, have given it a try, or have an existing practice, you are welcome to join this one day workshop where we explore the heart qualities of loving kindness, compassion, and joy. You are invited into a welcoming space to experience various mindfulness practices such as simple movements, guided meditations, and reflective questions and then journal (draw, etc.) and share about your experience. Everything is an invitation and participation is always optional!
They say that Loving Kindness (Metta) is the foundation for an awakened heart. Just like developing mindfulness, qualities of kindness, caring and joy require effort and tending to if they are to become more present in our daily lives and reduce suffering. As you build mindfulness and intentionally practice these qualities you create space for them to emerge and build a more caring relationship with yourself, with others and with our beautiful and suffering world. What a gift of the heart! There will be time for questions and to practice mindful speaking & listening as we tenderly honour whatever arises in our hearts through this workshop.
This group is offered by Michele Cadotte (RP). Michele is a student in the Mindfulness Teacher Training Certification Program with internationally recognized mindfulness teachers Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. Please bring whatever “equipment” supports your experience – yoga mat, cushion, blanket, water bottle, etc. We have lots of chairs! Please note that, although this group will be trauma informed, it is not therapy. This aim is to create an experience which supports you in exploring, developing and/or growing your mindfulness practice. If you have questions about your participation in this group, please contact Michele at